4 SPN drabbles. Sam/Dean, Sam/Alec

Sep 23, 2008 00:45

for raynedanser. Sam/Dean. 100 words

This Is What I've Done To You

The wind changes and Dean looks up to find his little brother gone.

Despite his height, Sam’s always been just a boy to Dean. An innocent boy who carries a grain of hope in his heart and looks to Dean for courage.

Today he looks old. Tired. Wary of the world and all it’s taught him.

Dean wishes he could start all over again. This time he’d run. Not wait for dad, just run until he’d find a safe place for baby Sammy. Safe from demons and endless death.

But above all safe from Dean, stealing Sam’s last remaining innocence.

"То, что я с тобой сделал" (Russian translation by wayward_jr)

Ветер меняется. Дин поднимает глаза и понимает, что младшего брата больше нет.

Независимо от роста Сэм всегда оставался для Дина мальчишкой. Невинным мальчишкой, у которого есть зернышко надежды в сердце и старший брат как образец храбрости.

Теперь он выглядит старым. Уставшим. Остерегающимся мира и горьких плодов познания.

Дин мечтает повернуть время вспять и начать сначала. Тогда бы он убежал. Не стал бы ждать отца, а просто убежал и нашел бы укрытие для крошки Сэмми. Укрытие от демонов и бесконечных смертей.

Укрытие от самого Дина, лишившего Сэма последних следов невинности.

for winchesterxgirl. Sam/Dean. 100 words

This Is What You Do to me

The hoarseness of Dean’s voice the morning after makes Sam wince. He wants to reach out and run his fingers over Dean’s throat. Wants to assure himself it’s not that bad.

Dean gurgles and spits into the sink, spattering the white porcelain with pink drops.

Sam looks away. He wants to say, ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Why didn’t you stop me?’ and ‘I didn’t even know I wanted that’.

He says, “You done yet?”

Dean grins and wipes his mouth on Sam’s sleeve. Sam doesn’t know which is worse; Dean’s easy forgiveness or the desire to do it all over again.

"То, что ты со мной делаешь" (Russian translation by wayward_jr)

Сэм вздрагивает, когда слышит хриплый голос Дина следующим утром. Он хочет протянуть руку и коснуться пальцами горла брата; хочет убедиться, что все в порядке.

Дин полощет горло и сплевывает в раковину, на белом фарфоре повисают розовые капли.

Сэм отворачивается. Он хочет сказать: "Прости", и "Почему ты меня не остановил?", и "Я и сам не знал, что хочу этого".

Вместо этого он спрашивает: - Закончил?

Дин ухмыляется и вытирает рот о рукав сэмовой рубашки. Сэм даже не знает, что хуже: то, как Дин легко прощает или то, что он хочет все повторить.

for deirdre_c. Sam/Dean. 100 words.

And Nothing You Say Will Stop Me

Sam comes home early. That’s the reason. He comes home early and walks in on Dean unbuttoning his ruined shirt. The tie is still around his neck, straightened but too tight, and two buttons are missing at his chest. Even without the fingershaped bruises staining his hips Sam would have known.

He doesn’t say anything. Just stands there, breathing harshly, until Dean looks away and then he’s gone, slamming the door behind him. Dean closes his eyes for a second. Then grabs their bags and starts packing. By the time the cops find the bodies they better be long gone.

for minniemax. Alec/Sam. SPN/Dark Angel X-over. 200 words.

Am I His Brother's Keeper?

Damnit. He’s not supposed to care. Not about some kid he doesn’t even know and has no relations to except apparently bearing a shocking resemblance to the guy’s dead brother. And isn’t that all kinds of creepy, considering the naked situation they’ve got going at the moment?

Any other day he’d be out the door and halfway home by now - post-coital crying isn’t really his thing - but there’s just something about the kid that is giving him some stupid feeling of responsibility. The guy’s clearly insane, keeps blabbering on about time travels and some crossroad he needs to get to. Obviously he’d taken a wrong turn somewhere because this is a long way from Cold Oak, wherever the hell that is.

He better take the kid, Sam something or other, to Logan, see if he can track down his relatives. He’s got to have someone, somewhere. He can’t stay here, not after knocking down those soldiers who mistook him for an X. With those kinda moves, who can blame them?

So yeah, better get on that. As soon as the kid’s calmed down a bit.

So far riding him like a pony seems to be doing the trick.

icondrabbles, drabbles, tv: dark angel, fic 2008, translations: russian, spn drabbles, pairing: sam/alec|x5-494, pairing: sam/dean

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