Reply to this post with the word ICONS! and I will pick six of your icons.
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
- This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
This is from a rather brilliant moment in the first season of Scrubs. Dr. Cox, who is of course famous for his rants, goes off on Elliot for bothering him with a personal problem.
The clip is well worth watching. I've yet to feel annoyed enough with someone else to use it in a comment, but sometimes I use it when I want to tell myself to shut the hell up and take my blah-blah to the blah-blah-ologist.
This is
a segment on the Daily Show that airs when Jon Stewart has a message he wants to bring to America's youth. The joke, obviously, being that he had no input into the title and didn't realize how horrifying it was going to sound.
I actually can't remember if it aired more than once under this title, but later variations of the segment have been entitled
"Jon Stewart Jizz-Ams In Front Of Children" ("Uh, that's...that's not the name we agreed on.") and
"Jon Stewart Looks At Kids' Junk." ![](
This requires an intimate knowledge of both Doctor Who and the Homestarrunner cartoon Teen Girl Squad. If you have this, well...I don't know. Congratulations, I guess. The point being that a character in Teen Girl Squad declares "I have a crush on every boy!" (and is immediately killed. With arrows). This statement is very, very true of Captain Jack Harkness.
I actually went looking for an icon along these lines after I broke my leg two years ago. (Holy crap, it has seriously been almost two years.) Priorities! This is from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, which if you haven't seen, you are probably a caveman. And like, not just any caveman, but the caveman that the OTHER CAVEMEN laugh at for his lack of pop culture knowledge. "Mommy! Someone maternal!" Nathan Fillion is amazing.
I have nothing to say about this icon except that I laughed for about five minutes straight after I saw it somewhere. I think it speaks for itself
This is from one of my favorite moments on The West Wing. A lady named Ainsley Hayes comes to work at the White House and, despite being a Republican, is a rather sweet and intelligent character. (I know, I know, The West Wing really is set in a fantasy world. Ok, that was mean, I'm sorry.) After a rather disastrous meeting with two other guys in the administration, they send her a bunch of dried flowers with a note that just says "BITCH."
Sam Seaborn (I am in love with him and you should be too), full of adorable righteous anger, goes down to their office and tells them "When I write something, I sign my name." And demonstrates. By firing their asses. It's kind of amazing.