Round 5: Sign-ups

Jul 23, 2015 20:28

This round you won't be claiming anyone.
You have to icon only females, not males.

1. You must be a member of the community.
2. Themes will be posted soon.
3. Sign-ups will remain open the ENTIRE round.

Fill in this form to sign up:

Themes suggestions:

1. roseemrys DONE
2. purpleworld8
3. yamiinsane123 DONE
4. edenofalltrades
5. lacrimadargento DONE
6. flipflop_diva
7. poncho_san DONE
8. lady_turner DONE
9. casper_san
10. bad_numbers DONE
11. _lolainslacks DONE
12. ciaimpala DONE
13. abyss_valkyrie DONE
14. lauchis
15. alex494 DONE
16. mylengrave DONE
17. jdbmanic
18. madampresident DONE
20. halliwell DONE
21. hughville DONE
22. csichick_2 DONE
23. darkpalace
24. mirkwood
25. black_bird80 DONE
26. killing_kurare DONE

round 5, sign-ups

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