Title: Legacy
margo_kim Fandom: Tortall verse
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for Lady Knight, oblique talk of sex, mentioned Kel/Dom
Prompt: 146) The triumph can't be had without the struggle. -- Wilma Rudolph (1940-1994), African-American Olympian athlete. First American woman to win three gold medals in track and field...and she won while running on a sprained ankle.
Summary: Kel and Alanna pass the time at the world's longest Midwinter banquet by discussing boys, girls, wars, the way the world ought to be and the way the world is.
'There must be something in our water. Makes all our women loud and crazy.' Alanna tossed her napkin at him, and Neal put up his hands. 'Did I say that was a bad thing? Such temper, Lioness.' )