
Sep 17, 2004 22:03

I would like to se the following happen, but maybe you have other priorities. If yours differ from mine, I would like to open up a discussion ...
1)I would like to see a decent standard of living made available to every child on this planet. by this , I mean that every child would have clean drinking water and an adequate diet clothing and accommadation. Many children in the developing world lack even fod, water and a safe place to live.
How much would it cost? see my Biog on LJ if you want the figures, but it's a lot less than we spend on armaments. It is affordable, and I think most people, at all levels in society, from politicians right down to the mothers themselves would get behind this.

2) These same children should get primary healthcare. Many children in the developing world die of preventable diseases. People have many children in the hope that a few will survive (and who will take care of them in old age). Poverty and disease keep the population up, they don't bring it down.

3)They should all get an education, especially the girls.
The reason being that educating children increases their opportunities for advancement.
women do the vast majority of the work in the world and are the least paid for doing it. It would cost so litle and achieve so much if we raised their status.
4) Women must be given, not just the opportunity to be literate, but also choice in terms of controlling their fertility. They should also have the same legal and political and social rights as men. Women who can have fewer children can better care for them. Equal pay, and the right to join Unions, to vote and have equal rights before the law are again more important for women because the lack of these things is what stops them from paticipating in society.
5) Finally, having brought women's up to the Western standard worldwide, we must raise the levels of achievement that womn can expect even higher. we should aim to see around 50% of women in the top posts in Politics, the law, medicine, science and all the rest of it. this, i believe, will effectively reduce crime, racism and all the other problems endemic in western society as it is a present.
Women are the poorest of the worlds poor, and priority must be given to changing that. Doin so will unleash a vast potential for change and progress.
I say nothing of abolishing capitalism, as I don't see the need. We can eradicate world poverty through existing social and political means without resorting to a revolution. Focussing on solving women's problems first, and starting with those most deprived first will improve everyone's lot, so is the logical choice of action.
Comments would be appreciated...
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