I got in tonight and read
hotheads post about men...sorry men. Yeah, that one.
I was born in '56, almost 50 years ago. My mother could not get credit on her own name in those days, she needed her husband or father's signature. there was a lot of racial discrimination running rapant in society in the UK back then as well.
Maybe if my dad had been nicer to me as a kid, and not come home drunk and beat my mum up in front of me, I might have grown up into another racist, sexist bigot like him. however, I took an almost instant dislike to him and everything he stood for. There was no way I wanted to grow up to be anything remotly like him, in fact.
"So what has this got to do with the price of eggs?" I hear you ask. Well, I have always been a bit touchy about being compared to him, even indirectly. Maybe it shouldn't, but it still gets to me when people make an assumption that, because I am white and male, that I am prety much the same as him.
If a man says that men suffer in life as well, some women start running off posts that claim that men are 'trying to take over' and insist that 'men are getting too much attention round here.'
I myself have posted on the subject of Historical Debt, and argued that Feminism, in the past, has given me a raw deal. A recent post has given me an insight into this, though, and I want to share a thought, if I may.
Imagine what happens when a wasp comes into my kitchen. This tiny insect comes in, and I start reaching for a rolled up newspaper. Now, it's possible that this li'l critter has maybe never stung a person in it's life. It has certainly not stung me. But do you think I care?
I know that wasps do sting people, and I am in a room with a wasp. I am not gonna give this sonofbitch the chance to do me any harm. Retaliate first, I say.
To any men who are reading this and thinking that feminism is ' too extreme', 'too radical' or seems to be focussed too much on man bashing, I say 'Consider...'
Women probably look on me as I look on wasps. Look on all males in fact. Males commit rape, and a million other acts of oppression. males always have. the fact that don't yourself is irrelavent. In their eyes, you are one of them, and they do.
It's a wonder that every woman on earth does not feel the same way, in fact.
Before women are ready even to tolerate us, a lot has got to change. women come onto this forum and talk about what happened to them, today. the pain and suffering they experience still fresh in their minds.
I am a qualified first aider. I get to see pain and suffering first hand sometimes. I get to somewhere and find a person lying in a pool of blood, clutching thieir arm, and it is not unusual to see them clutching at the wound, they won't even let me look, never mind touch it.
Men, as a group, have inflicted far too much pain, over and over. I don't think women ever can relax and accept us.
Maybe that sounds pessimistic. Sorry, but I think it true.
I had come here in the hope of resolving some issues. I wanted to identify with the oppressed and not the oppressors. however, I duobt that I can ever really belong.
As a man, I tend to focus on looking for solutions to problems, and feel that there ain't nothing you can't fix if you try.
But I despair. I hope to promote equality but so many in the world do not. it will never be fixed.
Not by me anyway.
there is no point on me insising that I am nothing lik my dad, that there are tons of guys like me in the world.... there are too many who aren't. And that's whatt matters.
Perhaps it is something that only women can achieve, for themselves, by themselves.
Perhaps I should leave and let thm get on with it.