yeah that's right motherfuckers, we get to dress up like lady liberty and uncle sam and fuckin go buckwild on the side of the road and get paid to do it!!!
1. hangover free mornigs 2. kiss kiss/cuddle time 3. 2 hour walks around shrewsbury 4. erika and I in springtime outfits sitting on a snowpile at 1 in the morning. 5. the kickass falafels & eggplant erika, laura and I made last night. 6. THE CREEPY FUCKIN MOVIE WE MADE LAST NIGHT. 7. oh and kittens, mad props to the
So Erika and I spent New Years in 570, which was great, but I definetly missed my 717 kids. I spent the evening getting floored and kissing sexy ladies..oh and Marty too! ::highfives to triple kisses::
sometimes I think..what would it be like to move back in with my parents? Then I come back to visit and I want to rip my fucking hair out
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