Mar 21, 2009 06:00
So why, oh why did I wake up at 5:30am?
I ended up not going to bed until 11:00 and I was super tired...actually fell to sleep fairly fast (yay), but then I wake up at 5:30? WTF?
I said I wanted to get up early and take down my St. Patrick's decorations and put up Easter, but I did not mean THIS early :-/
Maybe I'll try going back to sleep.
In other news:
The Jack, Sally & Zero & Lock, Shock & Barrel Standups I ordered finally arrived yesterday! I'll have to measure them, go to Home Depot before Summer hits and buy something to mount them to. That will be one of my Summer projects to work on inside. I also need to find something I can finish them with to weather proof them that won't ruin the cardboard. I wonder if there's anywhere to buy large sheets of laminating material that doesn't have to be applied with heat? Searching for something like that ought to keep me busy for a while.