Femme Fic is gearing up for a second ficathon!
This year, rather than limit the number of fandoms, we'll be including all of the fandoms that get a certain percentage of votes (percentage to be determined by us later, depending on the number of poll respondents). So, please limit your choices to fandoms you would request or offer!
And if you want to pimp this around to various fandom communities, feel free! Just remember, this ficathon is all about the girls (gen, het or femslash).
ETA 2/1/09: Poll is now closed. Thank you all for your input. Signups will be posted soon!
Poll We do not allow incest or RPF.
ETA: I was so excited, I forgot to include the dates!
Sign Ups: Open through February
Assignments Out: Beginning of March
Default Deadline: Beginning of April
Stories Due: Beginning of May
Queue Released: Mid May
Any questions? Feel free to ask and we'll get back to you ASAP!