Title: "Something to Think About on Long Plane Rides"
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: MCU: Natasha/Sif - tricky -
requested by
salmon_pinkFandom: MCU
Pairing: Natasha/Sif
Rating: R
Word Count: 227
"Wait. Wait," Natasha put her hand on Sif's bare thigh to steady herself. Sif held the difficult position. "Okay, move this leg, yes, okay yes little to the left, there, there, there, yes." Natasha nodded enthusiastically at the raven haired warrior.
The tangle of limbs they were attempting was testing the flexibility of both women to their limit but Natasha was sure it would be worth it in the end, especially with the angle Sif was able to...
"Oh fuck!"
"Too much?" Sif asked.
"No, no, that's...that's perfect. Do it again just like that."
It was tricky to hold their position but when Sif repeated the motion and they moaned in unison it was clear it was certainly worthy of the effort.
"What possessed you to imagine this...arrangement?" Sif panted, the two of them moving and grinding in ways that sent tingles to places she'd never before considered.
"I need something to think about on long plane rides," Natasha replied.
Neither of them said more until they separated, muscles aching, sexually satisfied.
After a few minutes of catching her breath Sif looked to Natasha with a grin. "Any other ideas."
"Well..." Natasha returned the grin, her hair wild and splayed out on the pillow, "there is this one thing I've always wanted to try."
"Name it," Sif said eagerly. Her eyes widened at Natasha's response.