Title: "Setting Some Rules"
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Once Upon a Time: Snow White/Emma - rules -
requested by
demokaFandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Snow White/Emma
Rating: R
Word Count: 197
Notes: Incest
"If we're going to keep doing this we need to set some rules," said Emma, curled up beside her mother. Both women were nude and covered in a sheen of sweat from their passionate exertions.
"Henry never knows," Snow said.
"That's rules number one to five. Henry never ever ever knows," Emma said. She had a dreadful image of his face, confused and disgusted, if he were to ever discover that his mother and grandmother had been doing together. "Same for Charming."
Snow hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "You're right. He wouldn't understand."
"We always do it here at my place," said Emma.
"You always do that thing with your fingers."
"What thing?"
"You know, the thing," Emma held up her hand and demonstrated a waggling, curling motion with her index and middle fingers.
"Oh," Snow smiled, "the way you moan I'm definitely doing that every time." She leaned in and kissed her daughter on the lips.
"Okay and I think..."
"Emma," Snow interrupted and kissed her again.
"We've only got another twenty minutes. Let's talk about the rules later."
Emma put up no resistance as Snow kissed her again, hand moving down over her stomach.