Title: Meat-Free Zone
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Sam & Cat
Pairing: Sam/Cat
Rating: PG
Prompt: Understanding
Word Count: 200
Summary: There is something scary in the kitchen, at least to Sam.
Sam woke up that morning with a serious craving for fried chicken dipped in gravy.
She gets out of bed, pulling on underwear and sweats (Cat would be horrified to know that she slept commando that night, but in her defense, she didn't do it every night).
Coming into the kitchen, an absolutely disgusting smell hits her nose. She almost gags. "Oh, ugh! What the hell is that smell?" she exclaims, pinching her nose closed.
Cat was at the counter, humming, preparing something white and totally gross-looking. Cat looks up and smiles at her cheerily, apparently not noticing Sam's look of revulsion. "It's tofu," she says.
"Tofu? Since when do you eat tofu?" Sam asks, keeping her distance from it, as if it were contagious.
"I don't, but the kid were watching later is a vegetarian, so this is for her," she explains, concentrating on the food. If it could be called that.
"Vegetarian? Seriously?" Eating something like that seemed cruel and unusual to her.
"Oh, come on. Try to be understanding," Cat says meaningfully. "It's her lifestyle, you know."
Man, this sucks, Sam thought. The kitchen reeked of it. Guess she was going to have to eat out today.