Title: "The Past Is Just A Lesson"
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: RPF: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez - remember -
requested by
salmon_pinkFandom: RPF
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 178
She saw her picture in a magazine.
Demi was about to turn the page when a memory came to her. The dress in the picture was one she recognised. She'd last seen Selena pulling it on after picking it up off the floor of the hotel room they'd shared.
The break up had been for the best. They were going different places and wanted different things. But that didn't make it hurt any less.
Selena in that dress reminded her of the good. It reminded her of the sexy. Hot nights and long conversations about nothing. She touched her finger to the picture as if somehow physical contact with the ink and paper might change something.
They had been laughing while Demi had taken that dress off. She couldn't remember the joke but she recalled clearly the bright smile on Selena's face as the fabric slipped from her body.
Demi could have lost herself in memory but instead she turned the page. There was no use in getting caught up in a past she could never get back.