Title: Like a Golden Sunbeam
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Amy/Nefertiti
Rating: PG
Word Count: 117
Nefertiti had fallen in love. It had started slowly. Little things. Amy was fierce, brave and proud. She flinched only the once, when someone shot at her. She stood bravely. Amy watched her with interest, she seemed strangely interested and, when Amy smiled it was like a burst of light. Amy had smiled as Nefertiti drew closer, her golden robes shining in the sun. Nefertiti, dressed as she was, looked, and moved, like a golden sunbeam.
Amy had smiled, her hand was gentle in Nefertiti's as she drew her along. They shared a tent that night, ignoring the grumbling from the men. They woke tangled up in one another. Amy had smiled, kissing her gently.
"Morning beautiful."