Title: Arrow to the Heart
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Once Upon a Time: Regina/Snow - arrow -
requested by fresh_brainss
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Regina/Snow
Rating: R
Word Count: 221
Regina ran the sharp point of the arrow between Snow's pert breasts, making sure not to put too much pressure and actually cut the other woman. She paused with the metal arrowhead at Snow's throat, looking her in the eyes, searching for any sign of fear. It would only take a simple jab and Snow's jugular would be pierced and her blood would flow.
There was no fear. Snow trusted her. There was lust there in her eyes. She was smiling.
Regina was astonished by that fact given their history. The very fact she had such dark thoughts surely was a sign that Snow's trust was misplaced. Regina felt she fell far short of Snow's faith in her. Perhaps it was striving to live up to it that kept from falling back to her old ways.
The once evil queen turned the arrow around and circled Snow's left nipple with the feather fletching. Snow moaned.
“I love you Regina.”
“I love you,” she replied and kept the feather moving.
Maybe it was that fact that she had the power and the choice that satisfied her darker nature. Whatever the reason Regina continued to pleasure rather than hurt Snow.
But Regina always wondered if the day would ever come when darkness resurfaced. She had a habit of destroying the things she loved.