Title: Sex and Leather
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: CSI: Catherine/Lady Heather - dominant -
requested by Inserting image...femme_slash_fan
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Catherine/Lady Heather
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
The smell of sex and leather was making her wetter.
Mistress kept her waiting. She was bent over a gym horse, a spreader bar kept her ankles far apart. A black leather collar was around her neck and handcuffs bound her wrists.
Crack! The leather paddle smacked hard on her bare and already rosy red ass.
"Mmm you're getting kinda good at that," Lady Heather said, looking over her shoulder back at Catherine.
"I can always use more practice. And you get ten more for not calling me Mistress."
"You're learning," Heather smiled then yelped when Catherine spanked her again.