Title: Facts and Places
Author: Temari778
Fandom: The 100
Pairing: Anya/Clarke
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Cold
Word Count: 250
Summary: She listed the facts, calculated her way out.
Anya yanks the IV needle out of her arm (ignoring the sting and steady trickle of blood now emanating from the small hole), and swings her legs over the side of the bed, her bare feet touching the--
--the ice cold floor, and suddenly she jerks back with a hiss of surprise. She looks down, bewildered. The floor is flat and white, all the little white squares looking exactly the same.
It was so unlike the bumpy, unpredictable earth she had walked on her whole life.
She hated it. Almost as much as she did that Clarke girl. Anya will make her pay for killing off her people, that was a certain fact to her now. Just as it was a fact to say the sky was blue.
She glances over at the door, no doubt having some complex lock to it. It was white, just like the floor. And the walls, too.
She hated white, now, too. Loathed it.
But, from there, her thoughts turned to the fact that killing Clarke without spilling any of blood would be less noticeable in a place like this. It was too bad she probably wouldn't be able to savor the act, but it had to be done.
The white floor, the blue sky, escaping this...place, killing Clarke. These were all simple facts.
She had to wonder if this was a room of torture, to force her to confess her secrets.
But, now, there were hardly any secrets left to be harbored.