Title: Ice-Pack
Pairing: Brooke/Dixie Carter
Rating: G
Word Count: 142
Note: Fluff. Spoiler for the last TNA Impact TV show.
Brooke had been backstage when the rest of the roster went out to cheer Bully Ray on. She knew what was coming and, as she was one of the few people who could stay hidden as she hadn't technically returned she had stayed behind. When they had brought Dixie backstage she had known instantly that Dixie had not quite braced herself correctly. People were saying she had broken a few ribs but the look of pain on Dixie's face spoke volumes, she'd damaged her back. Dixie had made Brooke promise to visit.
Brooke had done so. Once she was let in she had gone to see Dixie, smiling softly even as she moved to prop an ice-pack behind Dixie's back. She had settled beside Dixie, curling into her and nuzzling into her gently. She didn't want to hurt her, just comfort her.