Title: Bad Girl Test
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: RPF: Pink/Miley Cyrus - bad girl -
requested by
wildlinggirlFandom: RPF
Pairing: Pink/Miley Cyrus
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 250
"So you think you're a bad girl?"
"I have my moments," Miley grinned and stuck out her tongue.
"Yeah, we'll see," said Pink.
With both her thong and Pink's panties stuffed in her mouth Miley's moan was muffled. She was across Pink's lap. Miley was naked. Between her buttocks was a long fluffy faux fur husky tail. The tail was held in place by the butt plug it was attached to that Pink had lubed up and inserted in the younger woman's ass.
Pink raised the paddle again and smacked Miley's rosy red bottom. She moaned again.
Miley was on her back, still wearing her tail. Pink was straddling her face. Miley had her hands on Pink's ass, pulling her down as she sucked and licked like she was born to eat pussy. Pink was gripping the headboard with both hands, eyes closed. Truth be told she was moaning a little louder that needed, but she wanted Miley to get the message that she was fucking amazing.
3am. They were curled together sweaty and exhausted, there was a plethora of sex toys scattered on the bed and floor. They had scratches and bruises and love-bites.
"Okay," Pink said, breaking their kisses, one hand on Miley's behind the other in her hair. "You've made it to bad girl."
"I need a shower," Miley said and rolled away and got off the bed. She looked back over her shoulder "come fuck me in the shower."
Pink laughed. Bad, and apparently insatiable too.