Title: Tipping Her Hand
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Pairing: Laura Roslin/Helena Cain
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
"Madame President." Admiral Cain drawled as her gaze fixed Laura icily. She had a way of making deference seem like defiance. But now that the younger woman wasn't actively trying to depose her the coyness seemed less like disrespect and more like flirting.
"Admiral." Laura nodded curtly.
As the buttoned up and proper admiral passed their shoulders brushed and Laura sucked in a breath. She caught the admiral's self-satisfied smirk and Laura's cheeks flushed.
Helena's smirk turned into a full on grin and Laura knew that she'd tipped her hand.
"Perhaps we should continue this conversation later in my quarters."