Title: Fantasy
Author: madampresident
Fandom: American Horror Story: Coven
Pairing: Cordelia/Misty
Rating: PG
Prompt: Dance
Word Count: 100
Notes: n/a
Cordelia can't see Misty dancing to Stevie Nick's words but she can feel her. She can feel the reverence, the exhilaration radiating off of Misty.
In her mind, she rises from the couch and wraps an arm around Misty's waist and they clasp hands. Misty's smile warms Cordelia's face and they move together to the dulcet tones of Stevie's voice. She lets Misty lead, trusting her implicitly.
Misty twirls her around and draws her close, their lips only millimeters apart.
Cordelia wants so badly to close the distance but the song ends and the fantasy fades away to darkness again.