Title: Perfection Is A Mystery
Drabbletag 5 - Perfect
Fandom: Scooby-Doo
Pairing: Velma/Daphne
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Another purple bra lands on the bed. Velma watches Daphne as she tries on each piece of lingerie, posing in front of the mirror before tossing it aside to move to the next.
Velma asked about her wardrobe routine once, and Daphne had said when an outfit is right it feels right.
Velma thinks they all look right, Daphne’s figure stunning in every bra, every pair of panties.
“I don’t understand why you put all this effort in,” Velma admits, tugging a little on the baggy t-shirt she slept in. “You look perfect no matter what you wear.”
Daphne shoots her a smile. “Thank you. But I’m not perfect.”
Velma can’t help her snort. “Have you seen you?”
Daphne glances appreciatively at her reflection. “Yep, I have. And I like me, and I’ll never apologise for that. But even I have days where I wish I saw something else in the mirror.”
Velma considers that, watching as Daphne crosses the room to kneel beside her. “You do?”
“I do,” Daphne agrees. “Like, some days I wish my boobs looked more like yours.” She grins as she shuffles on her knees across the mattress, pressing herself against Velma’s back. Her hands reach up, squeezing Velma’s breasts, and Velma bites her lip a little, arching into the touch. “Now those things are perfect.”
Velma laughs, ducking her head. “You really think so?”
“They’d look even more perfect without this,” Daphne teases, and Velma chuckles, lets Daphne pull the t-shirt over her head.