Title: Troubled Child
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Jenny/Vastra
Rating: G
Word Count: 143
Note: Follows on from Crimson Horror.
Jenny had been mildly surprised when she insisted they had to bring Ada home with them. She knew the girl would have trouble fitting in, she already had flinched several times. Still the two would make it work, somehow. Somewhat surprisingly, at least to Jenny, Strax had taken something of a shine to Ada, and Ada had warmed to him. As they sat together now, Jenny sat in Vastra's lap, they had learnt that Ada could fit in. She had fit in within weeks. Still, as Jenny nestled closer to Vastra, she found herself amused. None of them had been able to fit in with 'normal' people. She was... an outcast, Vastra was technically a lizard, Ada was blind and Strax was... well, he was Strax. None of them had been sure they could even fit in, now though, they were a family.