Title: Secrets (uncovered)
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Kagome/Sango
Rating: R
Word count: 148
A little closerSummary: Inuyasha does not understand why Miroku kept freaking out.
Inuyasha does not understand why Miroku kept freaking out. He kept going on and on about how Kagome and Sango spent a lot more time together lately, walking always together, sitting a little closer than usual, took a lot more time when they bathed in the river...
So Kagome and Sango spent more time together, so what? Inuyasha couldn't understand why it was the monk's problem. Or a problem at all. Friends did that sort of things all the time, right? And Kagome and Sango were good friends, Inuyasha knew that much.
But when Inuyasha walked in on Kagome lying on her back, Sango on top of her fully kissing her on the lips and fingers skillfully going up Kagome's skirt, the hanyô understood a little better Miroku's point of view, because what he saw, Inuyasha was positive, wasn't the sort of thing friends did all the time.