Title: Skinny-dipping
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Kate/Juliet
Rating: R-ish, maybe, I think?
Word count: 218
Skinny-dippingSummary: Kate goes skinny-dipping. Juliet observes.
The peace and calm of the river surface was shattered when a very naked Kate Austen emerged from the depths of the water.
She opened her eyes to witness the place she had discovered; they ran around the island all the time, thinking of new ways to get out of it, but Kate thinks she never actually stopped for a second to admire the beauty of it all. It was a tropical island, beautiful indeed, and Kate had never even noticed. She did notice, however, the set of eyes that observed her.
"You're not wearing clothes" came Juliet's simple comment, calmly, observing Kate from the safety of the land.
"You've never done this?"
"Skinny-deeping? No. Observe you from afar? Yes."
"Well, at least you're honest about it" Kate remarked, not bothering to cover her nakedness. It was like she wanted the blonde to see her. "Are you going to keep observing me from afar?"
As if to respond to that, Juliet took a step forward; it was only then that Kate noticed she was barefoot. The blonde took off her shirt, revealing a white bra underneath, and proceeded to remove the rest of her clothes. When Kate asked her what she was doing, Juliet just smiled knowingly.
"Being honest about it" she declared before jumping in the river.