Title: Analyze Closely
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Rachel/Cosima
Rating: PG
Word Count: 185
Prompt: Science
Summary: Cosima remembered Rachel's not-so-subtle comment...
Cosima remembered Rachel's not-so-subtle comment (or was it a jab?) regarding Cosima's sexuality with a certain sort of clarity that it was reminiscent. She had thought about it more than it was necessary, and the incident spanned only several seconds, that she hadn't realized right away that Rachel had a smirk (or maybe it was a half-smirk) on her painted lips as she had turned away from her and got down to business.
She thought in a cliché way that the moment had science in it. More to the point, Cosima recalls that the look in Rachel's eyes told her that she hadn't been too surprised at her orientation.
Cosima's huffs to herself, thinking what nerve that...pro-clone (was that the word Sarah had used?) had, but it didn't matter much now.
Rachel had wanted her there. For good reason. After all, Cosima had more to lose, but she of course knew Rachel had her ulterior motives in this little 'partnership'.
Her body was failing her, but her brain was as sharp as ever. Another part of science that couldn't be explained. Not yet, anyway.