Title: At Times a Shield
phoenixfalls (
FlannelFandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Jane Foster/Maya Hansen
Rating: G
Word count: 150
Maya feels self-conscious much of the time, standing next to her Jane. Jane is so tiny, a big brain encased in a pixie-like body. It makes Maya feel like the Hulk in comparison, too aware of her height and her hips and her full wide lips.
But every so often on a cool winter morning, Maya stands back and watches as Jane shrugs into one of Maya’s discarded shirts. The grey light washes out the lurid pattern and Jane pulls it close against the chill, tucking her chin into the collar. It’s big enough that she could probably wrap it around her waist twice.
And then it’s Maya who is warmed. She slides up behind Jane to engulf her in a hug, ignoring Jane’s squawk of “Watch the coffee!” Jane is breakable, and Maya loves, suddenly, being large enough and strong enough to protect her, to shield her from harm.