Drabbletag5, Disney: Elsa/Merida

Oct 06, 2014 11:12

Title: Transformation
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Friends to lovers
Fandom: Disney
Pairing: Elsa/Merida
Rating: G
Word count: 200

"We are friends you and I," Elsa said, taking Merida by the hand.

"Aye, we are," the redhead nodded and squeezed Elsa's hand.

"I can tell you anything."

"Anything, always."

Elsa hesitated, her resolve wavering.

"Elsa, you are my friend. My best friend. I love you and you can say anything to me." Merida was adorable in her sincerity.

"I love you," Elsa said seriously. "More than a friend. More than a best friend."

Merida's bright eyes widened. "You do?"

"I do, maybe I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, I'm glad."

Before Elsa knew it Merida was kissing her. She took a second or too to realise and then started kissing her best friend back. Their arms went around each other, pressing their bodies together. The kissing was a release of tension that had built up in both of them for a long time.

Eventually they stopped kissing, leaning their foreheads together, catching their breath.

"What now?" Elsa asked.

"Your chambers I think, we've got an awfy lot of kissing to catch up on," Merida grinned and kissed Elsa's nose.

"My chambers it is," Elsa took Merida's hand and led the way. It took all of her self-control not to run.

author: swan_secrets, crossover, drabbletag5, fandom: disney

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