Title: Stalled With A Smirk
Drabbletag 5 - Tease
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Darcy/Jane/Sif
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
Notes: Threesome
“Don’t start without me.” A simple enough request, so Darcy settles on the couch with Sif pressed snug against her side.
The entire length of Lilo And Stitch later, Jane still looks nowhere near finished.
“Just another half hour,” she insists, and Darcy can’t resist that pleading look.
Sure, Darcy’s ready to get her sexy on, and Sif’s been getting handsy under the blanket for most of the movie, but it isn’t fair to get naked if Jane can’t join them.
“Ten more minutes,” Jane begs, forty minutes later.
Sif nods and motions for Jane to continue her paperwork. Darcy wishes she had that much patience.
“Five minutes, that’s all,” Jane promises, twenty-five minutes later.
Darcy huffs and flops back against the couch cushions.
“I only need a couple more minutes,” Jane announces, fifteen minutes later.
“Are you kidding me with this, Jane!?” Darcy snaps, throwing her hands up. She’s been horny all damn evening, if she waits any longer her panties will burst into flame.
“Actually, I believe she is,” Sif offers, eyes narrowed suspiciously, and Darcy’s mouth hangs open as Jane gives her a mischievous little grin.
“Good things come to those who wait,” Jane offers, eyes sparkling.
Oh, she is dead.
Darcy pounces from the couch with a war-cry Sif will later refer to as stirring, attacking Jane’s clothes with single-minded focus. If Jane thinks holding out like that makes things more fun, well, Darcy and Sif will spend the whole damn night teasing her to distraction.