Title: Destruction And Defiance
Drabbletag 5 - Protocol
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Sharon/Gamora
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
“I understand there are protocols in place,” Gamora says, head held high, blood on her clothes. There are fallen enemies at her feet, some of the bodies gently steaming in the chill night air.
“There are,” Sharon responds. Sirens wail in the distance, but they won’t be able to reach this part of the city yet, not with the rubble in the streets.
“You are expected to apprehend me,” Gamora continues. There is no accusation in her voice, just level understanding. “Even though I have aided you, and I have been identified as an ally of Earth, I am to report in with your authorities.”
“That’s correct,” Sharon agrees. There are blisters on her hands, and her shoulders are stiff from the fight. She held her own, took down a decent number of them, but once her ammo ran out things got dicey. These aliens, they’re far stronger than any human, even one with her training.
She’d be dead several times over if it wasn’t for Gamora.
“I am expected back at my ship.” Gamora is watching her carefully. The blood on her clothes is not her own.
Sharon aches.
“Fuck protocol,” she hisses. She respects orders, has spent years following them, but she isn’t an automaton, and she answers to herself.
Gamora’s lips quirk, and Sharon might be light-headed from the fight, but it feels perfectly natural to push up on tiptoes and shove their mouth together.
It’s Gamora who makes the kiss deeper, growling appreciatively against her mouth.