Title: Skye Vs Breakfast
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Breakfast
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Pairing: Jemma/Skye
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Something was on fire.
Jemma sat up and pushed off the duvet. Skye wasn't beside her. She scrambled off the bed and dashed through the rented vacation home to the smoky kitchen area.
Skye was in front of the stove holding a fire extinguisher that she half-emptied all over about fifty percent of the kitchen surfaces.
"What, happened?"
Skye shrugged awkwardly and smiled "Breakfast." She waved the extinguisher at the pan of blackened unidentifiable food in the middle of it all.
"Maybe we should go out for breakfast."
"Great plan," Skye nodded. "You might want to put some clothes on."