Title: Found Me
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Clues
Fandom: Elementary
Pairing: Moriarty/Joan
Rating: R-ish
Word count: 170
"You found me," Moriarty said.
Joan Watson shut the apartment door (a door she had just picked the lock of) behind her.
Moriarty held up the stopwatch. "Five hours, thirteen minutes, twenty-two seconds. Not bad." She was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed. On her lap was a sketch pad. She was completely naked.
"How long did it take you to come up with those clues?"
"A few minutes," Moriarty shrugged. "Setting the puzzle is always easier than solving it." She picked up the sketchpad turned it to show Joan the drawing. In pencil and great detail Moriarty had drawn Joan on her back, naked with her legs spread. "You're still dressed."
"Your powers of observation really are incredible."
"Sarcasm doesn't become you."
"Well," Joan started undressing "you're a smart woman, I'm sure you'll come up with a suitable punishment."
"I already have," from between the pages of the sketchpad she slipped out a thin plastic ruler. "Here's your first clue." She slapped the ruler against her palm.