Title: Eye of Fury
Author: Temari778
Fandom: POTC
Pairing: Tia Dalma/Elizabeth
Rating: PG
Word Count: 137
Prompt: Storm
Summary: She tells of her fury, and the sea listens.
The storm continued to batter them, the angry waves pushing, crashing into their ship, trying desperately to overturn them.
It was as if the sea was heeding someone's fits of fury.
And all the while, Elizabeth noticed Tia Dalma kneeling at the side of the ship, her hands clasped together in a prayer, her body motionless, despite the motion and chaos all around them.
It was then Elizabeth heard Tia mumbling something, something in a language she'd never heard before.
She did not move or open her eyes even as she was being splattered by huge drops of seawater and rain, the powerful winds taking Elizabeth's breath away.
Nearly toppling over as they were hit yet again by another wave, Elizabeth gripped the ship tightly, wondering with dread if this woman was trying to kill them all.