Z for zipper
Author: helgaleena
Fandom: Star Wars Episode I
Pairing: Amidala-handmaidens
Claim: prequels
Rating: G
Word count: 105
Padme held her breath as the clattering pressure rose up her back. She wished the wrappings around her abdomen had not caught, lower down. She wished Anakin were here already, but he was not. One soldiered on, and made do.
If they couldn't get the gown closed, she would have to wear the damned corset. It was getting hard to close, as well. But the reception demanded this gown. Her wardrobe account could not stretch any farther this quarter, either.
"Elle, let me exhale fully and then pull it up."
"Yes, milady. Now?"
Padme nodded, not daring to speak until the zipper was fully raised.