Title: Z is for Zipper
giantessmessFandom/Claim: Law and Order SVU/Related RPF
Pairing: None - Olivia/Oliska
Rating: PG
Word count: 150
A/N: Season 7 plot holes hurt all of us.
No one had said anything so far, even though it was getting to be obvious. Pathetic obvious. It took Olivia several attempts now, just to get the damn thing half way.
You bet it took her by a surprise. It wasn’t as if she’d really gone back to men, she’d just said that to stop Casey’s goggle-eyed staring. But it wasn’t Casey’s fault she was pregnant, even if Casey did spread news of her supposed heterosexuality along some secret lesbian grapevine.
She didn’t know how it had happened behind her own back like that. She of all people should be the first to jump to her feet and cry ‘date rape!’ But she knew that wasn’t the case here.
The baby just wasn’t hers.
She suspected it wouldn’t be hers, even as it came to term. It would simply disappear into the void that it had ballooned out from.