Title: Skillfully Sweet
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Disney
Pairing: Charlotte/Tiana
Rating: PG
Word Count: 155
Prompt: Sweet
Charlotte first licked the icing off of her honey bun, careful as to not get any on her face, her tongue getting into every crevice of the swirl. Following that, her tongue went after the lightly sprinkled cinnamon, deftly maneuvering it around the bun's sweet surface.
Tiana chokes on the coffee she'd been drinking, (or nearly, but it was better than having it spurt out of her nose), catching herself before it dribbled down her chin.
Luckily for her, Charlotte was too busy eating the bun (now that it had been licked bare, oh hell, Tiana thought, did I just think that) to notice her. As casually as possible, she sets down her coffee, glad she had not ordered a honey bun for herself.
Tiana watches her out of the corner of her eye (trying not to be obvious about it), noticing that she didn't have a single drop of icing on her mouth. Tiana suddenly felt a bit envious.