Title: Between The Cracks
Drabbletag 5 - Tears
Fandom: Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
Pairing: Jabberwocky/Anastasia
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
This one’s fear tastes delicious. Like sugared ginger, sweet and spicy, the loveliest contrast across the Jabberwocky’s tongue.
She growls softly, crawling her way into the cracks of the Red Queen’s mind like moss between stones. Stalking from door to door, fingernails trailing over cherished memories as she goes, chasing the terror, looking for the weaknesses.
A pretty young woman, pushed to her limits and making a bad choice. Breaking a man’s heart, and fracturing her own in the process. Juicy, and the Jabberwocky licks her lips, but there’s more to be seen, and she burrows deeper. Finds a mother with cruel and disapproving eyes, who told a trembling little girl that her worth would only be measured in the jewels she could coax from rich men. This memory has roots like a great oak, spreading down and out and far, touching everything, staining it red.
All that matters in life is comfort and riches. The thought bounces through Anastasia’s mind, and the Jabberwocky can see how much she hates it, how she tries to squash it down, but it can’t be destroyed, etched into the walls of her soul by the knife of her mother’s voice.
“Please,” Anastasia whispers, and the Jabberwocky shushes her lightly. Kisses her tears hungrily, the saltiness another layer of her taste.
“The prettiest thing when you cry,” the Jabberwocky murmurs, and Anastasia shivers, leans into her as if she can find comfort in the one who hurts her.
The Jabberwocky purrs, and keeps digging.