Drabble Tag Round 6 - Intro Post and Unfilled Prompts S-Crossover

Jun 08, 2015 10:06

Hey there femslashers! As promised yesterday, here is the first post for Drabble Tag 6. As a new mod, I'm excited to start it up and see what sort of fics we can create. Below the cut are the rules and info about how Drabble Tag works, courtesy of olivia_j from the last round.

Drabble Tag Rules )

drabbletag6, admin

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angie/peggy - roommates write_x_always June 8 2015, 21:12:00 UTC
Here's the fic: roommates

Prompts: Once Upon a Time: Regina/Marian - heart, The 100: Clarke/Lexa - leaders


RE: angie/peggy - roommates xjadedgrlx June 9 2015, 13:48:13 UTC
Once Upon a Time: Regina/Marian - heart

Once Upon a Time: Aurora/Mulan - possibilities
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Alice/Anastasia - silk


RE: Aurora/Mulan - possibillities write_x_always June 9 2015, 16:26:16 UTC
Once Upon a Time: Aurora/Mulan - possibilities


Agents of SHIELD: Kira/Bobbi - scars

Once Upon a Time: Emma/Regina - blind


RE: Agents of SHIELD: Kara/Bobbi - scars xjadedgrlx June 9 2015, 18:04:01 UTC
Agents of SHIELD: Kira/Bobbi - scars (Note for fresh_brainss: Her name is actually Kara, not Kira)

Agents of SHIELD: Bobbi/Simmons - Science
Harry Potter: Ginny/Luna - Loony


RE: Agents of SHIELD: Kara/Bobbi - scars write_x_always June 9 2015, 19:16:41 UTC
Agents of SHIELD Bobbi/Simmons - Science


Harry Potter: Fleur/Hermione - sunrise

Agents of SHIELD: Melinda/Skye - more cattle, less bull


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Avatar: the Last Airbender: June/Mai, secret write_x_always June 10 2015, 22:06:37 UTC
Avatar: the Last Airbender: June/Mai, secret


Avatar: Legend of Korra: - Korra/Kuvira - saviour
Avatar: The Last Airbender: - Azula/Ty-Lee - optimism


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RE: Avatar: the Last Airbender: June/Mai, secret temari778 June 23 2015, 18:41:51 UTC
Avatar: the Last Airbender: Azula/June, pet

Orphan Black: Sarah/Kendall Malone - criminal
Harry Potter: Tonks/Ginny - transform


RE: Avatar: the Last Airbender: June/Mai, secret temari778 June 23 2015, 19:13:32 UTC
Avatar: the Last Airbender: Toph/Ty Lee, dance

Once Upon A Time: Regina/Mary Margaret - jewelry box
Arrow: China White/Tatsu - swords


RE: Avatar: the Last Airbender: June/Mai, secret vitiate_me July 26 2015, 06:22:42 UTC
Once Upon a Time: Mary Margaret/Regina - jewelry box

Dark Matter: Two/Wendy - competition
Dollhouse: Echo/Sierra - drawn to you


RE: Avatar: the Last Airbender: June/Mai, secret femme_slash_fan August 1 2015, 21:46:34 UTC
Dollhouse: Echo/Sierra - drawn to you: http://femslash100.livejournal.com/1631856.html

Grimm: Catherine Shade/Kelly Berkhardt - AU! Catherine is weaker now and Kelly swears to protect her one good friend
Grimm: Kelly/Rosalee - Hug


RE: Teen Wolf: Braeden/Cora, run xjadedgrlx June 11 2015, 02:04:01 UTC
Teen Wolf: Braeden/Cora, run

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - spell
Pretty Little Liars: Alison/Emily - truth


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - spell swan_secrets June 14 2015, 08:15:32 UTC
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - spell

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - Rimming
Once Upon A Time: Regina/Ruby - Magazine


RE: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara/Willow - spell vitiate_me June 17 2015, 10:02:59 UTC
Once Upon a Time: Regina/Ruby - Magazine

Pretty Little Liars: Spencer/Aria - wine
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith/Buffy - rage


Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith/Buffy - rage swan_secrets June 21 2015, 10:04:07 UTC
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith/Buffy - rage

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith/Buffy - Sweet
MCU: Natasha/Wanda - Caramel


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