Drabble Tag Round 6 - Intro Post and Unfilled Prompts S-Crossover

Jun 08, 2015 10:06

Hey there femslashers! As promised yesterday, here is the first post for Drabble Tag 6. As a new mod, I'm excited to start it up and see what sort of fics we can create. Below the cut are the rules and info about how Drabble Tag works, courtesy of olivia_j from the last round.

Drabble Tag Rules )

drabbletag6, admin

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carmilla/laura - sweet write_x_always June 8 2015, 21:44:00 UTC
The fic: sweet

Prompts: Once Upon a Time: Emma/Regina - flame, Faking It: Amy/Karma: first time


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared femme_slash_fan June 21 2015, 18:01:48 UTC
Survivors, Anya/Abby - "I will come for you..." - http://femslash100.livejournal.com/1515856.html

Sense8, Amanita/Nomi - Wishing
Sense8, Amanita/Nomi - family


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared femme_slash_fan June 22 2015, 17:14:44 UTC
Survivors, Anya/Abby - comforting arms - http://femslash100.livejournal.com/1520625.html

Sense8, Nomi/Riley - Sense
Crossover - Sense8/Doctor Who - Amanita/Nomi/Martha - Doppelganger


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared fresh_brainss July 6 2015, 03:48:35 UTC
Gotham: Barbara/Renee - sigh

Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain: Beth/Jody - parting ways
Gotham: Barbara/Renee - fisting


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared fresh_brainss July 6 2015, 04:14:49 UTC
Gotham: Barbara/Renee - sigh

Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain: Beth/Jody - parting ways
Gotham: Barbara/Renee - fisting


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared swan_secrets July 9 2015, 22:39:49 UTC
Gotham: Barbara/Renee - fisting

Gotham: Barbara/Renee - High Class
MCU: Natasha/Wanda - Nightmare


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared clarahow July 11 2015, 15:56:20 UTC
MCU: Natasha/Wanda: Nightmare

Reign: Kenna/Mary: Smile
Bad Blood Music Video: Arsyn/Catastrophe/Knockout: Confrontation


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared charmingregal June 23 2015, 01:47:17 UTC
Criminal Minds: Emily Prentiess/Jordan Todd - Temporary

Once Upon a Time: Emma/Snow - delayed
Once Upon a Time: Emma/Regina - stop


RE: OUaT: Regina/Ruby - collared vitiate_me June 30 2015, 21:02:23 UTC
Once Upon a Time: Emma/Regina - stop

Once Upon a Time: Belle/Mulan - purple
Gossip Girl: Blair/Jenny - blindfold


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RE: She’s the Man: Olivia/Viola, kissing booth demoka July 8 2015, 12:59:12 UTC
She’s the Man: Olivia/Viola, kissing booth

Once Upon A Time: Emma/Snow White - frantic
Saving Face: Vivian/Wil - snack break


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Star Trek (aos): Gaila/Nyota - spring break swan_secrets July 27 2015, 22:55:16 UTC
Star Trek (aos): Gaila/Nyota - spring break

Star Trek (aos): Gaila/Nyota - Study Session
The Musketeers: Anne/Constance - Bodice


RE: Star Trek (aos): Gaila/Nyota - spring break paperclipbitch August 8 2015, 00:28:55 UTC
The Musketeers: Anne/Constance - Bodice

The Musketeers: Constance/Milady - accident
The Musketeers: Anne/Constance - courtesan


The Musketeers: Constance/Milady - accident swan_secrets August 25 2015, 22:07:43 UTC
The Musketeers: Constance/Milady - accident

The Musketeers: Constance/Milady - Dangerous
The Musketeers: Anne/Constance - Coffee Shop AU


RE: The Musketeers: Constance/Milady - accident paperclipbitch September 5 2015, 00:21:37 UTC
The Musketeers: Anne/Constance - Coffee Shop AU

Gotham: Barbara/Leslie - bite
The Mortal Instruments: Clary/Izzy - shoes


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