Title: Early Morning
dreamy_dragon73Prompt: Don't let me go
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Siobhan/Marion
Rating: R-ish
Word Count: 100
As the sky outside slowly begins to change from black to grey, a finger traces a pattern on creamy skin. Siobhan murmures something unintelligible and stirrs. But then, she probably sleeps with her eyes open anyway, Marion thinks.
Siobhan reaches for her, bringing their lips together again, their tongues beginning a familiar dance, leaving them breathless. Hands touching, exploring, making them forget everything but the here and now.
Afterwards, they lie quietly.
'I should probably go,' Marion says eventually. Tell me to stay. Just this once.
Siobhan runs a finger along the side of her neck. 'Yes, you probably should.'