Title: Just One
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Promises
Fandom: Arrow
Pairing: Lyla/Amanda Waller
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
"You promised you'd stop calling," Lyla said.
"You promised you'd stop answering," Amanda snapped back.
"You promised Berlin would be the last time."
Amanda laughed. "You promised that in Amsterdam. And in Coast City." She started undressing.
"Any promises you want to make tonight?" Lyla watched. She didn't make any move to take her own clothes off.
"Only one." Amanda stripped to her bra and panties and stepped in close. "I promise you're not going to get any sleep tonight." She grabbed Lyla by the waist and kissed her, fierce and possessive.
Lyla resolved to hold Waller to that promise.