Title: Keep Me A Secret...
Prompt: secret
Fandom: Survivors
Pairing: Anya/Abby
Rating: G
Word count: 139
Summary: Anya finally tells Abby everything.
Anya talks slowly about everything she remembers from before. She talks about Jenny, she talks about her family, her friends, her life. She knows, instantly, that it doesn't matter what she says, Abby isn't walking away. Abby listens carefully, her hand light over Anya's. She knows this is hard, talking about the past and finally, when Anya has spilt all her secrets, she smiles, moving to kiss Anya softly, her smile gentle.
"I'm glad you finally told me..."
Her smile is softer still as she moves to kiss Anya again, the two finally moving out of the kitchen together. They had not yet talked to the others about their relationship, keeping it a secret, eventually they would have to talk about it. For now, Anya is content to follow Abby to bed, curl up in her arms and sleep.