Title: Little Miss Perfect
Prompt: vampire Barbie
Fandom: True Blood
Pairing: Pam/Tara
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 111
Summary: Tara likes to tease.
"Done sulking yet?"
"Fuck you."
Tara half-laughs, stalking slowly closer to her maker, her lover... to her Pam.
"Don't mess your make-up Vampire Barbie..."
Pam is on her in a split-second, slamming her back against the wall, fangs out and pressed firmly against Tara's neck. Tara smirks a little, pulling Pam closer, knee pushing between Pam's thighs.
"That's more like it."
Pam half-smirks, licking Tara's neck and pushing her own knee between Tara's thighs, enjoying her mewl.
"You do not control me..."
Tara mutters the word, pressing down against Pam's knee and pulling Pam against her knee a little more firmly, enjoying her ragged moan.
"Doesn't stop me wanting you."