Title: Out of the Woods
clarahow //
agentroxylancelots //
charleybradburies Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#19): Allison/Lydia: Training by
wildlinggirl +
writerverse challenge #9: Drabble Tree
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Allison/Lydia
Rating: T
Word count: 100w
Summary: She had two bullets in her gun.
Notes: currently a comment!fic in conjunction with another comm challenge. I'll be making an LJ masterpost of these drabbles, and they will be up on ao3 at a later date. the current link is to the thread.
Named ironically for the Taylor Swift song of the same name.
posted to
writerverse here.
ED. 6.24 1:36pm EST: apparently the wv link only works for members of that landcomm. this drabble is SEVENTH on this