Title: This Deal of Ours
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Sarah/Delphine
Rating: R
Prompt: Biting/Bruising
Word Count: 200
Sarah sits up stiffly in bed, lets the covers fall from her body, revealing her bare flesh.
She reaches into her bag and takes out her cigarettes and lighter. She lights one, the flame catching the first time.
It was nearly dawn, the sun just beginning to show itself in the sky, creating rays of orange and red. She didn't normally smoke this early, but there was no point in going back to sleep now.
She runs her hand across her sternum, her breasts, feeling the indentations Delphine's teeth had left. The abused skin was no longer red, some of the marks deeper than others. She had no doubt there would be bruises the next day.
The blonde herself was still asleep, wrapped in the sheets, snoring quietly.
Sarah figured she would stay where she was for a few more minutes, because she would never come here again. Their tryst had solely been about business and negotiation rather than pleasure.
Because they had made a deal. And by the end of the week, the other blonde would be toppled from her throne.
Sarah glances over at the woman, watching her chest rise and fall beneath the covers, not a stir.