Title: The Goddess on My Side
clarahow //
agentroxylancelots //
charleybradburies Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#20!): Melisandre/Selyse: by
originally +
writerverse challenge #9: Drabble Tree
+ Drabble Cycle #11: Kinks: Table 30A #5: Worship
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones
Pairing: Melisandre/Selyse
Rating: M
Word count: 100w
Summary: "To keep the Goddess on my side, she demands a sacrifice...no Ma(e)sters or Kings when the Ritual begins"
Notes: currently a comment!fic in conjunction with another comm challenge. I'll be making an LJ masterpost of these drabbles, and they will be up on ao3 at a later date.
Yes, the title and summary are from 'Take Me to Church'. (
I prefer the Neon Jungle f/f version.)
this drabble is EIGHTH on this