Drabbletag6, Crossover: The Hunters/Warehouse 13, Crying

Jun 25, 2015 20:26

Title: A Little Comfort
Prompt: Crying
Fandom: Crossover, The Hunters/Warehouse 13
Pairing: Jordan/H.G.
Rating: G
Word count: 109
Summary: H.G. finds Jordan standing outside the Warehouse alone.
Note: Can I get a 'Fandom: The Hunters' tag please.

H.G. finds Jordan standing outside the Warehouse alone, crying, openly crying. She hasn't seen Jordan in years and yet, she feels the pain as fully as if it was her own. She moves closer, her touch light against Jordan's cheek, brushing away tears. She knows what went wrong, what had been going to go wrong for years... Carter. Carter is gone. Jordan's sobs soften as she pulls her closer, letting Jordan cry on her shoulder.

"Let it out 'Dan..."



H.G. murmurs, her touch light through Jordan's hair.

"It's okay to break sometimes 'Dan... you don't always have to be so strong."

"I just... I needed..."

"I know."

author: femme_slash_fan, drabbletag6, crossover, fandom: warehouse 13, fandom: the hunters

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