Title: The Freedom Thats Promised Me
Prompt: Freedom
Fandom: Wentworth
Pairing: Franky/Bridget
Rating: G
Word count: 104
Summary: Bridget delights in Franky's smile.
Bridget delights in Franky's smile, she knows Franky has wanted this, freedom, forever. Franky looks at everything with a huge smile, delighted to be free, to have company. Bridget is the one to finally insist they go home, smirking a little as Franky grumbles, leaning to whisper something utterly devine and probably just a little dirtier than she'd expected into her ear. Franky stares at her, then begins to giggle, smiling softly.
"Good god Gidget... you are such a flirt."
"Yeah well, call it a celebration of your freedom."
Franky laughs again, moves to kiss her and sighs softly.
"Fuck it, let's go home."