Title: Another Day, Another Destiny...
Prompt: Friend
Fandom: RPF
Pairing: Michelle Visage/Merle Ginsberg
Rating: G
Word count: 193
Summary: Somewhere along the way a bond forms...
Somewhere along the way, a bond forms. Yes, they are two completely different people and yet there's something incredibly true in the way that people see them as different sides of the same coin. Merle is quiet, withdrawn and when she does laugh it's gentle, honest and soft. Michelle is not. Michelle's laugh is loud, truthfully joyful and yet incredibly charming given the right conditions. Despite the fact they are almost completely different, there's a bond there, a bond that forms when they meet, Merle is still quiet, still a little withdrawn but she willingly pokes fun at herself, Michelle smiles, nudging her gently. Watching Merle laugh just proves it, under the shy, gentle exterior there is a core of pure steel. Despite everything, even the way Merle took Michelle's place for almost three seasons of Drag Race, they get on, they get on well. The truth comes when one of the Queens choses to poke more than fun and be truly cruel.
"Don't you dare talk like that about my friend."
The words come out harshly and yet, they are completely true. Merle is a friend, someone Michelle will stand up for.