Title: Vocal Kink
Prompt: Accent
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Marion/Siobhan
Rating: G
Word count: 103
Summary: Marion finds herself utterly distracted by Siobhan's accent.
Marion finds herself completely distracted every time Siobhan talks. Siobhan smirks, almost knowingly, as she moves to wrap her arms around Marion's waist, her lips brushing Marion's ear.
"Maybe you should stop working."
She can feel Marion shiver and she smiles as she adds.
"Come to bed."
Marion turns, her smile soft as she leans to kiss Siobhan.
"You tease..."
"Well, someone has to stop you working yourself to death."
Siobhan's tone is light but she smirks as she adds.
"Besides, I know you get off on the accent..."
Marion says nothing, pulling back and heading to the bedroom, knowing Siobhan will follow.